Air Dust Odour | Chartered Air Quality Assessment Professionals

Air Dust Odour

What is a Construction Phase Dust Impact Assessment?

The Air Dust Odour Blog

Article by Malcolm Pounder

Founder of Air Dust Odour and Chartered Environmentalist, Malcolm Pounder, discusses construction phase dust impact assessments, for the Air Dust Odour Blog…

Construction Phase Dust Impact Assessments are an important air quality issue associated with new developments. There is increasing research into health and amenity impacts as a result of the dust emissions generated during a developments construction phase. The latest guidance, published in January 2024, requires assessment of this and outlines the latest best practice methodology to assess the impact on human health, property and ecological receptors, with mitigation measures defined based on the risk.

What does a Construction Phase Dust Impact Assessment Consider?

The assessment includes consideration of the four key phases of a development:


It considers the size of the site, the size of the building to be demolished and its construction material, size of the site and soil type, the size and construction material for the new building and the haul route length for construction traffic.

The scale of the impact from such activities depends on different variables such as site conditions, meteorological factors, as well as the distance, number and sensitivity of receptors surrounding the site.

Local Authorities therefore require Construction Dust Assessments to be undertaken by an experienced consultant to ensure that effects are correctly identified and sufficiently minimised through appropriate mitigation measures.

What kind of Mitigation Measures do I need to include?

The mitigation measures that will be required vary from site to site, based on the level of risk, length of construction program and practicalities. Final measures to be included are usually agreed by the local authority and the appointed contractor.

Typical mitigation measures include:

- Watering down construction sites to reduce dust.
-Using dust screens or barriers.
-Ensuring vehicles are covered when transporting materials.
Using dust extraction systems or vacuum systems for specific equipment.

Do I need to Monitor my Construction Dust?

Carrying out regular on site and often off site inspections was and remains the norm as per recommended mitigation measures. An interesting change to the latest guidance is that monitoring of dust or PM10 is now highly recommended for all construction sites. With this change, Air Dust Odour expects to see monitoring being increasingly conditioned by Local Authorities, particularly in areas where there are highly sensitive receptors surrounding a site and/or where there are already high levels of pollution.

Air Dust Odour can provide competitive fees to assist with all construction dust requirements, from a fast turnaround assessment to long term ongoing monitoring.